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  • epwm_up_aq.zip code composer studio example code for pwm modulation
  • convolutional_codes.rar with k= 2/3 rate and 8-psk modulation outputs are made by using convolutional codes.
  • BER.zip C program to calculate the BER performance of BPSK modulation in an AWGN channel. The program takes the file "BPSK" containing voltage levels and passes it in an AWGN channel with a given SNR. The received message is then Hard decision decoded and the bit ...
  • ofdm_webexample.rar An example of OFDM modulation implemented in MATLAB with simulations for tx, rx.
  • SSBmodulationcode.rar SSB modulation code Itcan help you to test you matlab
  • alamouti-qam.rar ALamouti using QAM modulation
  • BEP.rar Bit Error probability for different modulation schemes
  • fsk.rar This is a Simlink for FSK Digital Modulation Techniques
  • qpsk1.rar This is Simlink model for QPSK Modulation techniques
  • project4.rar see the simulation of Delta, Delta sigma and Differential pulse code modulation/demodulations