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  • DVB-C.rar Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for cable systems
  • SPWM.rar sinusoidal pulse width modulation (pwm) inverter
  • mySynth.rar Sound synthesis with Matlab. Simple implementation of a multi-oscillator synthesizer. Includes FM modulation, 2 LFO s, 2 Env s. Good to learn the basis of sound synthesis in Matlab.
  • Delta.rar delata modulation different techniques comparison
  • psk.zip Mpsk simulation (m=2,4,8) from generation of bit stream through MPSK modulation and the creation of AWGN complex noise to the demodulation
  • adpcm.rar Matlab code for implementing ADPCM modulation in an efficient manner
  • PCM.rar The M-File contains PCM modulation.
  • PWM.rar PWM原理 2、调制器设计思想 3、具体实现设计 一、 PWM(脉冲宽度调制Pulse Width Modulation)原理: 脉冲宽度调制波通常由一列占空比不同的矩形脉冲构成,其占空比与信号的瞬时采样值成比例。图1所示为脉冲宽度调制系统的原理框图和波形图。该系统有一个比较器和一个周期为Ts的锯齿波发生器组成。语音信号如果大于锯齿波信号,比较器输出正常数A,否则输出0。因此,从图1中可以看出,比较器输出一列下降沿调制的脉冲宽度调制波。
  • Tarea4[Pacheco-Santana].rar This is an MATLAB GUIDE for Simulation of FM modulation, with his spectrum, the input parameters are the modulation index, menssage frequency and carrier freq.
  • 0AND1INTOQPSK5.rar produce 0 and 1 stream into QPSK modulation