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  • 651p2.rar fm modulation using matlab
  • papierICECS.rar This paper presents a method for the evaluation of the bit error probability of a both time hopping binary pulse position and pulse amplitude ultra-wideband modulation schemes.
  • papierICECS2009.rar This paper presents a method for the evaluation of the bit error probability (performance) of the UWB system in a time hopping binary pulse position ultra-wideband modulation scheme (TH BPPM-UWB) in the presence of an AWGN channel.
  • Papierict2009.rar This paper presents a performance of the UWB system in a time hopping binary pulse position ultra-wideband modulation scheme (TH BPPM-UWB) in the presence of an AWGN channel.
  • PapierSSD09.rar This paper presents a performance of the UWB system in a time hopping binary pulse position ultra- wideband modulation scheme (TH BPPM-UWB) in the presence of an AWGN channel.
  • IJCSNSPaperHizem.rar We propose an accurate analytical method for the evaluation of the ultra wideband system performance in a time hopping binary pulse position modulation scheme (TH BPPM-UWB) in the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel.
  • HYSMASDE.rar modelesation and simulation of DSIM used pulse widthe modulation (PWM) for a control of inverter two level
  • ADPCMCodec.rar The DVI Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) algorithm was first described in an IMA recommendation on audio formats and conversion practices [1]. ADPCM is a transformation that encodes 16-bit audio as 4 bits (a 4:1 compression ratio). In ...
  • MATLABupload.zip The programs are realted to communication and Image Processing. The Simulatin of Additive White GAussian Noise using Modulation is shown.
  • FM.rar FM(Frequency Modulation) using simulink in Matlab.