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  • Desktops.zip multi desktop on windows
  • MultithreadedObservableListSample.zip WPF Source code for use collections in multi-threading environment
  • PDFView.zip Shows how to display or print a multi-page PDF document and scroll an NSscrollview s contents by dragging.
  • EvolutionaryAlgorithmsforSolvingMulti-ObjectivePro 《Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems》这是一本有关多目标进化的非常值得一看的书,里面有测试标准,测试函数等内容
  • src.zip multi thread server using in multi threading in java
  • mmsp08.zip ... accurately capture the edge information which is the most important texture feature in an image. Recent researches on multi-scale analysis, especially the curvelet research, provide good opportunity to extract more accurate texture feature for image ...
  • rhel-ig-x8664-multi-en.rar CENTOS documentation
  • MySudoku.rar This program can generate sudoku board with multi level (easy, medium, hard....). It also has customer Sudoku control for create game.
  • MultiRectTracker_demo.zip Multi Tracker Demo source...
  • MVC_SW.zip multi-view video coding source code