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  • VCLSkin.For.Delphi.v2.74.Final.Retail.rar Delphi VclSkin 2.74 full sourceVCLSkin is an VCL library that extend Delphi application with skinnable user interface . Unlike other skin component that you must modify source code to build skinnable application, VCLskin can skin existing application ...
  • C++ Matrix Template Class Library Lite V1.12.zip This matrix C++ template class library is for performing common matrix operations in your C++ program like any other built-in data types. To install the package, just copy MATRIX.H file into the INCLUDE directory of your compiler and include this header ...
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  • glibc-linuxthreads-2.3.tar.gz ... for Linux. LinuxThreads provides kernel-level threads: each thread is a separate Unix process, sharing its address space with the other threads through the new system call clone(). Scheduling between threads is handled by the kernel scheduler, just like ...
  • APIHookingRevisited_src.zip ... I m working on. This tools won t be too complex, so there is no need for a huge class hierarchy like in almost all other code, nor a hard coded assembly code. This tool is just a technical preview of what is possible to achieve, with QUICK and DIRTY "put ...
  • other-fat-source.rar 老外写的一个文件系统,使用的是FatCache,不是对连续簇编组,如果需要帮助可与我联系
  • alu.rar 硬件设计vhdl_cpu1,1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of this core, as long -- as this file, and the other associated files, remain intact and -- unmodified. Modifications are outlined below.
  • regs.rar 3. Distribution of this core must be free of charge. Charging is -- allowed only for value added services. Value added services -- would include copying fees, modifications, customizations, and -- inclusion in other products.
  • maze1104.rar 走迷宫 Find a path through the maze to any space character in the perimeter of the maze. Paths through the maze are denoted by a space character and walls by any other non white-space character (apart from . characters).
  • lzwpc.rar They have been developed using the AZTEC C86 compiler, and are portable to any other standard C environment. I have tested this code with AZTEC CII for the 8080, and with the C compiler on XENIX 286, and they work fine.