... IR codes specification. The design is based on 8051 core mcu (I use P89C668 in my build), only minor modification needed with other brands of mcu. The board receive command code from serial (uart) and generate IR code send out via onboard IR transmitter. ...
Quiz program to play with the family, friends etc. Makes use of Access Database but any other db can be implemented.
a game with dice where the first player is the user and the other computer
a game with dice where the first player they is the user and the other computer
a game with dice where a player they is the user and the other computer… statistical elements for the sum of game, how much times it gained, how many it lost, in sum time…
Pointers can have any name that is legal for other variables. This book follows the convention of naming all
pointers with an initial p, as in pAge or pNumber.
POV-Ray source code for an Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu 3D logo. The model is customizable for distribution, thickness and some other detail.
Free to use and modify.
... into animations, this is useful i.e. when one wishes to get a bullet time scene where the camera moves at normal speed and other objects slow down in order to watch them in detail, then they accelerate to get back moving at normal speed. An example is ...