Useful for playing MP3 and other formats.
Get Message which was sent from other thread.
IrComm2k is a virtual COM (serial) port emulator to connect/synchronize mobile phone via IRDA, so in fact the connection is made via IRDA and software uses virtual COM port
//Can be used in other purposes too
converse other file formats to 3ds format, it will be useful in game development
Comport communication via modem, direct serial cable or any other asynchronous connection. Set baudrate, hardware flow control, software flow control, parity etc. yourself!
his bios will work on IBM-PC/xt and many other compatibles that share.
This c# funtion is demo how to use pictureBox, You can Zoon in or Zoon out picture,rotate and move picture.Other way,this function demo how to get keyEvent in c#.
... a sample code to Demo how to spin a picture in C#.
C# only have rotate 90,180,270 degree in picture,if you want other degree your need to
write your source code by yourself.
You can see how to new graphics in c#, TranslateTransform demo and use timer ...
... n×n chessboard such that none of them is able
to capture any other using the standard chess queen s moves.
The queens must be placed ... such a way that no queens
would be able to attack each other.
Here I get n and show you the position of queens.