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  • pca.rar 自己写得特征PCA降维的代码,性能非常不错
  • PCA.rar pca face regontion made by eng marwan el khodary and eng ahmed abu aziz
  • PCA.rar 基于PCA改进实现人脸识别的完整代码,采用ORL人脸库进行训练和测试.
  • pca-FaceDetection.rar pca主成分分析算法matlab源码,用于人脸识别中。
  • PCA.zip This programme is to calculate the principal component analysis (PCA) of a image. Naturally it is used to reduce the dmentionality of the image.
  • pca.rar PCA for face recognition
  • PCA.rar These archives develop an PCA to an image, recieving the number of components as an input, besides are included two ... for giving a performance criterion (analisispca.m). The output of the pca function is an reconstructed image, depending on the numer of ...
  • PCA.rar 一种基于PCA的人脸识别方法matlab源程序-PCA_based Face Recognition System.rar
  • pca-sst.rar sst单片机的pca功能的运用 很实用的,在很多场合都有用啊
  • pca.rar pca算法的matlab实现 主成分分量分析可用于数据的降维和模式识别问题