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  • term-project.rar this project is related with Goal of this system is applying some microprocessor knowledge with use C code on the hardware design. This project is calculating the body mass index value of a person on LCD screen and printing the BMI value. Program needs 2 ...
  • Final-Project-Report.rar DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN Project 7SEGMENT Desplyusing trainer Board
  • project-code.rar Steganography project source code in matlab..
  • Project.rar Spread Spectrum Project k users
  • Final-Net-Project.rar Net Engine Project slide show
  • Sample-Project.rar a sample java applet development project, develop for object oriented programming
  • DevCPP-Project.zip DevC++ Project is tutorial about DevC++ ide programming application. Is a simply guide to use the ide for VC++ or C++ programming language.
  • ADC-Project.rar adc project document
  • Project.zip some project about neural network
  • project-Critical-path.rar 适用于Microsoft Project 的VBA,对于给定网络图计算关键路径