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  • ME5404EE5904Project.zip Kohonen network project适合从事该领域的学生学习
  • DVB_MHPbox_SRC.zip MHPbox-0.0-A0.zipMHPbox project is an open source implementation of MHP (Multimedia Home Platform). MHP is the open middleware designed by the DVB 欧洲标准 DVB 数字电视的中间件MHP 源代码 Project that is being used in digital TVs. MHPbox will turn your PC in ...
  • detrin-0.1.1.zip DETRIN is a C++ library of classification algorithms and other utilities in the field of data mining. We will use standard ISO C++ programming language to develop our project. The goal of DETRIN is to facilitate researchers in the related fields.
  • Summarynotebook.rar This the project README file. Here, you should describe your project. Tell the reader (someone who does not know anything about this project) all he/she needs to know.
  • networkProgrammingProject.rar network Programming Project 用NetBeans写的有界面的PING命令程序,程序中用的线程.
  • SkipList_Java.rar skiplist JAVA程序,数据结构课的Project
  • F2812_AC3-1_RAM_lnk.rar 一个比较通用的 cmd文件 ,可以在其中运行 大多数project
  • get-inf-net.rar 这个源代码讲述的是如何获取计算机网络接口信息,具体用到的project详见内部说明文档。
  • 51014-450.zip 3rd Generation Partnership Project Specification of the SIM Application Toolkit for the Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM - ME) interface (Release 4)
  • rfdriver-HY502iic.rar RFID实现代码,可以通过iic接口操作,通过这个程序可以快速完成自己项目的开发。 Description: AT89S52 Firmware for HY502 Serial Reader This project is designed for HY502XX OSC use 11.0592MHz crystal.