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  • ManticorWEBRF.zip web for rf online server
  • RF_and_Digital_Signal_Processing.rar RF and Digital Signal Processing
  • RF.rar MRF模型构造,并结合k均值对雷达图像进行图像分类
  • RXmain.rar sharing of datas using rf transmitter and receaver
  • Impedancematchingandsmith.rar 阻抗匹配与史密斯(Smith)圆图 在处理RF系统的实际应用问题时,总会遇到一些非常困难的工作,对各部分级联电路的不同阻抗进行匹配就是其中之一。一般情况下,需要进行匹配的电路包括天线与低噪声放大器(LNA)之间的匹配、功率放大器输出(RFOUT)与天线之间的匹配、LNA/VCO输出与混频器输入之间的匹配。匹配的目的是为了保证信号或能量有效地从“信号源”传送到“负载”。
  • BPSK.rar In BPSK modulation, the phase of the RF carrier is shifted 180 degrees in accordance with a digital bit stream. A form of phase modulation in which the modulating function shifts the instantaneous phase of the modulated wave between predetermined discrete ...
  • MshtoObj.zip msh to obj converter for use with rf online
  • ToolsTempaRFIndo.rar tools tempa tools designed for rf online
  • temperature_rf_link.zip Temperature RF Link This project sends temperature readings by an RF link and displays it on LCD.