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  • 10915@52RD.rar RD-RF典型电路,不错的资料,供大家学习,一起进步。
  • TI___RF.rar ... 方向发展,DSP硬件技术的更新速度也不断加快,然而相关软件技术的开发却远远落后于硬件的开发 TMS320 DSP算法参考框架(Reference Framework,RF)的提出就是为了应对这个难题 RF为一种使用DSP/BIOS内核和TMS320 DSP算法标准的通用初始化代码,用户可以通过使用并修改该通用代码使之符合eXpressDSP标准,以实现特定的应用 按复杂 ...
  • GPS500_501-Brochure.rar Introducing the GPS500 and GPS501 RF Boards
  • Q-SYS-UCOS.rar 基于stm32,ucos+fat+gui的QSYSTEM,加入rf无线功能的打地鼠游戏
  • Estimation_Theory.rar In this project, we consider the problem of estimating a parameter associated with the local oscillator leakage of a RF receiver by tone test. For this reason, an approxi- mate maximum-likelihood (ML) estimator is proposed. It s error performance is ...
  • RF12_code.zip RF transceiver program guide
  • RFWave-RF-Wave-Toolbox.zip matlab cdigos para antenas
  • 32_channel--rf_module.rar 32 channel rf control with 16f84a.
  • EDF_Tools.rar edf unpacker RF online
  • lna.zip RF circuit plays an important role in electronic and one member of RF circuit is lna . this paper explain it.