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  • eBook-A-Guide-to-RFID.zip ... role of middleware software to route data between the RFID network and the information technology (IT) systems within ... and government applications. • The role and value of RFID industry standards and the current regulatory compliance environment. ...
  • Improving-RFID-Efficiently.zip A major problem with RFID systems is that a tag might not be read, in spite of being in the reader’s range, due to collisions[4]. A collision is said to have occurred when various devices interfere with each others’ operations, or their simultaneous ...
  • eBook---RFID-Tech.and.App.zip Covering both passive and active RFID, the challenges to RFID implementation are addressed using specific industry research ... such as performance optimization and evaluation, sensors, network simulation, RFID in the retail supply chain, and testing are ...
  • RFiD-based-General-Wireless-Sensor-Interface.zip ... and Processing, Inventory and retail, etc. In this article, RFID technology will be used for wirelessly transmitting data ... Central Control Unit (CCU). In this research, Architecture of Intelligent wireless sensor using RFID technology will be introduced. ...
  • Design-of-an-RFiD-ZigBee-Network-for-Blind-Naviga ... , etc.). The IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee based transceiver and RFID tags would be used to incorporate this wireless network solution. ... three distinct phases of the project are – Design of a passive RFID tag Design of a Zigbee transceiver and Design of the dual- ...
  • RFID.rar rfid的一个资料文档,关于政策方面的,希望大家有用
  • CC2500-2.5GHz-RFID.zip 基于CC2500的2.5GHz_有源RFID数传系统设计(温度传感器详)
  • A-Simulator-UHF-RFID-Protocol.rar ... in supply chain applications. One of the challenges facing RFID in this application domain is the fast identification of ... are simultaneously present in the reader range of an RFID reader. In this thesis, different transmission control strategies were ...
  • UHF-RFID-CRC.rar ... 并利用FPGA实验平台对这三种编 码的编、解码电路进行了设计和仿真。然后对UHF RFID系统的差错控制技术原理 进行了探讨,重点研究了ISo/IECl8000.6标准中采用的数据保护 ... 了递归的算法设计了一种新型的并行CRC电路。最后本文提出了一 种新颖的UHF RFID系统数字基带电路,区别于一般数字基带电路的地方是:在编 解码模块和CRC模块之间加入了卷积编码和维特比译码模块。利用卷积码优良的 纠错能力,来解决UHF RFID系统在电磁干扰严重的环境中识别率低、通信速度慢 的问题,效果良好。
  • RFID-MIDDLEWARE-SYSTEM.rar 电子标签中间件系统是处于电子标签硬件系统和电子标签应用系统 之间的一类软件,是电子标签应用系统的核心。各大软件公司的RFID 解 决方案基本都是作为企业套件的一部分进行出售,而对于已有良好运行 的应用系统的中小企业,购买大型的企业套件,资金也是它们面临的最 大问题。本文致力于研究轻量级的、独立于架构的、能与企业已有系统 进行快速集成的电子标签中间件系统。