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资源说明:These files are my effort for a simple RFID scanner, using the TRF7960 and an Atmel AVR644. The included files only extend to the RFID capabilities of my circuit, and are with realevance to the ISO14443A standard. rfid.c governs all card communication protocols inmcluding polling times and data format. rfid_comm.c governs commands for the TRF7960 and also contains code for initialisation, and reading/writing data to registers. The comments explain what needs to be written into the registers for particular modes. rfid_interupt.c and rfid_timing are simple and govern interupt handling, delays, and resets. main.c contains the initialisation sequence for the AVR and provides feedback on the i/o lines such as a song from the buzzer and flashing LED s for user feedback. It also contains interupt initialisations for the TRF.
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