Pickard - color selector _src.zip
Hot features: Spectrum color picker, Screen magnifier, Eyedropper, Multple color spaces support (RGB, HSL, CMY, YUV), Multiple color string support (HTML, C++, Delphi, VisualBasic).
程序首先读BITMAP 文件的各像素点的RGB值, library 做压缩 RGB 缓冲区成JPEG文件或缓冲区.-
... 版
4 项目背景:制作用户界面时(如写一个编辑器)常需要丰富的颜色但又不知其RGB值,本软件可以完成此任务
5 功能点:(1)方便显示256 * 256 *256 种颜色。 ... 相邻颜色值之差(及不必显示所以颜色,只显示主要颜色)
An HSVRGBA colour picker.rar
This colour picker allows you to easily choose a colour either using RGB or HSV, it includes an alpha slider (that can be disabled or hidden, if needed), and it displays the colour value in hexadecimal. The code is fully written using Windows API, without ...
ColorFinder - Retrieve the color of any pixel on t
When developing web-pages or graphics we frequently need a tool that will give us the RGB value of the color of a particular region in some other application s window. An example could be that you need to know the background color of a JPG image so that ...