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  • cstrings.rar c++ string implementation using stl
  • cprogrammbooks.zip 不错的六本c++书籍 Effective C++.chm Effective.STL.pdf EssentialC++.pdf Inside The C++ Object Model.chm ModernC++Design.pdf More Effective C++中文.pdf
  • C++PrimerPlus.rar ... variables • Generic, or type-independent, programming, as provided by templates and the Standard Template Library (STL) • The exception mechanism for handling error conditions • Namespaces for managing names of functions, classes, ...
  • STLympx.rar 侯捷的源码剖析 电子书版本 关于c++stl源码的剖析
  • VectorTest.rar 練習用STL Vector寫的測試程式,請用Borland C++ 打開
  • EffectiveSTL-revised.zip Sure, the STL has iterators, algorithms, and function objects, but for most C++ programmers, it s the containers that stand out. More ... in other libraries or is a container type you d write yourself. STL containers aren t just good. They re really good.
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  • 3.rar 本文描述在网上能够找到的最简单,最快速的哈夫曼编码。本方法不使用任何扩展动态库,比如STL或者组件。只使用简单的C函数,比如:memset,memmove,qsort,malloc,realloc和memcpy。
  • vtkreadstl.tar.gz interactive STL file reader using vtk library developed with QT designer
  • approachstl.rar 本文面向的读者:学习过C++程序设计语言(也就是说学习过Template),但是还没有接触过STLSTL的初学者。