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  • 顺序查找的实现.rar 查找是使用计算机中CPU最大的一个功能,查找算法决定了程序的优劣性,此算法完成了顺序查找的实现。
  • alg2.rar test program for STL generic algorithm that search for elements that satisfy a condition
  • srchhook_src.zip 查询钩子,sets the registry value for Search Engine
  • Binary_Sea1792619122004.zip this code not only show you Binary Search Tree, but also asm code for move your mouse!
  • miniEasyLocalpp-0.2.zip 一个tabu search算法框架
  • OpenTS_10-exp9.zip 一个java的tabu search算法框架
  • 进程查找.zip 查找进程,不错的源代码
  • BST - Bina2889710132001.zip Binary Search Tree - with additional recursion functions (smallest, parent & successor) etc
  • Sort&Search.zip vb程序排序与查找
  • DFS_BFS.rar java的DFS(Depth-first search )和BFS(Breadth-first search)的实现