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  • fileinfo_demo.zip ... part of this article presents FCompare, a sample application of CFileInfo and CFileInfoArray usage. This application does a: Recursive search of source and target files to compare, given a directory and a filemask. Binary comparison of source with ...
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  • Search.rar 本程序采用Delphi开发,小巧玲珑,可方便查询手机号码归属地、城市区号、个人身份证号信息等。
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  • exhaustive.zip 穷尽 块匹配算法motionsEstAnalysis.m Script to execute all AlgorithmsmotionEstES.m Exhaustive Search AlgorithmcostFuncMAD.m Mean Absolute Difference FunctionminCost.m minimum cost among macro blocksmotionComp.m motion compensated image creatorimgPSNR.m finds ...
  • www2008paper.rar ... 的所有论文,其中包括Browsers and User Interfaces Data Mining Internet Monetization Mobility Performance and Scalability Rich Media Search Security and Privacy Semantic / Data Web Social Networks and Web 2.0 Web Engineering XML and Web Data 等 ...
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