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  • 3.rar A Genetic Algorithm Hybridized with Local Search Operator
  • DataStructInJava.zip this code contains breadth first search and array
  • lzzSearch-1.01.zip ... 4 commons-dbcp-1.2.2.jar 5 mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar 6 commons-pool-1.4.jar 7 Lucene.2.4.0.jar 8 Lucene-highlighter-2.4.0.jar 9 java2000.jar 演示例子 ------- 本地:在com.laozizhu.search.demo目录下面 B/S: http://search.laozizhu.com
  • redundantpaths.rar ... distinct network paths between a source-destination pair. Given a directed graph as input, write a program that uses depth-first search to determine all such paths. Note that, these paths are not vertex-disjoint i.e., the vertices may repeat but they are ...
  • 512.zip This is a PHP search engine. It searches for text and then displays results. At the time I completed it it was the first of its kind. I spent many hours looking for something like it, but could not find anything. It searches the directory you put it ...
  • binary_search_tree.rar Binary search tree sample
  • AVL_TREES_best_example.rar The applet illustrates the behaviour of binary search trees, Searching and Sorting Algorithms, Self-adjusting Binary Search Trees, Symmetric binary B-trees,聽Data structure and maintenance algorithms
  • Pharmacy.rar system farmacy search and find and all midicn
  • KMeans.rar KMeans Algrorithm for search engine
  • DS18B20.rar DS18B20最全驱动.包含CRC8算法.ROM Search等.主机采用AVR mega16或者mega32.原创作品.