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  • binsearch_0-3.rar Example of a Binary Search through an array
  • manu.zip many simple java programs like classic algorithems to do search and few data structure implimentations
  • xMultilingualS.zip search in multilingual text field
  • Library.zip library managment that help to search the librrary item
  • GenericHTTPClient.zip In my search to download files using HTTP, I have encountered many good implementations and examples but none met my criteria - I began implementing my own.
  • ThuatToanThuatGiai(PDF).rar Algorithm: Heuristics depth-first search Breadth-first search Algorithm for Tree Algorthm for Knowled geable Tree Search .....
  • acquisitionSerial.rar 一个GPS直接搜索法(serial search)的捕获程序,非常实用,运行正确。
  • Programacion_y_metodos_numericos.rar ... 2: Cycles and functions First part cycles Part Two: Roles Practice 3 - Floating point arithmetic Practice 4 - Search for roots of functions Practice 5 - Numerical Integration Practice 6 - Arrangements and matrices Part One: Arrangements ...
  • CorecoSearch.rar Coreco Sapera Processing Search源码 强大的图象识别定位功能,广泛用于工业控制 领域. 载入BMP图象后,选取识别匹配模式,灰度与几何 匹配,自己做好模板后载入新图象自动定位特征区域.
  • bstcnt(1).rar 二叉搜索树(Binary Search Tree)是满足如下性质的二叉树: ①若它的左子树非空,则左子树上所有结点的值均小于根结点的值; ②若它的右子树非空,则右子树上所有结点的值均大于根结点的值; ③左、右子树本身又各是一棵二叉搜索树。