文件大小: 1697k
源码售价: 10 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:DSpeech is a program of TTS (Text To Speech) with functionality of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) integrated. And' that is in degree to read to tall voice the written text and to choose the sentences to pronounce according to the vocal answers of the consumer. And' projected specifically to furnish in rapid way and directed the functions of greater practical utility that are required to the programs of this type, maintaining to the meantime to the least one the invasivit?and the consumption of resources (it is not installed, it doesn't integrate him in the system, it is light, it sets out in an instant and he/she doesn't write anything in the register). The principal characteristics of DSpeech are: 1. It allows to save the output in the form of a file Wav or Mp3. 2. It allows to quickly select different bawls and to combine her among them to create dialogues among more bawls. 3. Entire a system of Vocal Recognition that, through a simple language of script, it allows to create interactive dialogues with the consumer. 4. It allows to shape the voices in independent way. 5. Through special TAG, allows to dynamically vary the characteristics of the voices during the reproduction (speed, volume and frequency), to insert breaks, to emphasize terms or to make the spelling. 6. It allows to capture and to automatically reproduce the content of the ClipBoard. 7. It supports all vocal engines compatible with SAPI 4 and 5.