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  • uip-0.9_kr_r3.zip The uIP implementation is designed to have only the absolute minimal set of features needed for a full TCP/IP stack. It can only handle a single network interface and contains only a rudimentary UDP implementation, but focuses on the IP, ICMP and TCP ...
  • stack.rar 主要操作过程: 建立一般的二叉链表,通过遍历进行线化,设p为当前处理结点,pre为p的前驱填标志: 若p无左:p->ltag=1;若p无右:p—>rtag=1;填线索:若p->ltag==1: p->lchild=pre 若pre->rtag== pre->rchild=p
  • stack.rar 欧文于1771年5月14日出生于北威尔士蒙哥马利郡的牛顿城,是全家七个孩子中的第六个。他的父亲是位马具师和小五金商,母亲是女邮政员。因为这七个孩子中有两个早夭,年少时的欧文很受父母的疼爱。欧文小时候酷爱读书,他们住的小镇上,有学问者的书房基本上都 向他开放。童年的欧文通读了所有他能找到的感兴趣的书籍。小时候的欧文多灾多难,几次差点都搭上性命,当然这些差
  • LPC2106_ENC28J60_uIP_GCC.rar uIP TCPIP stack implement on LPC2106 ans ENC28J60 MAC building with GCC GNU WINARM
  • TCP-IP.rar containing a complete tcp / ip protocol stack source
  • Stack.rar Symbian 控件的使用,对理解Symbian程序的框架很有帮助。
  • datastructure.rar Datastructure: Linked Lists Stack and Queue Multi-lists Linked Structures Trees Binary Tree Searching and Sorting AVL Tree Red-Black Tree
  • pso_stack.rar TCPIP stack 协议栈 ,基于 BSD
  • TheLinuxTCPIPStack.rar The Linux TCP/IP Stack: Networking for Embedded Systems by Thomas F. Herbert
  • isic-0.06.rar ISIC -- IP Stack Integrity Checker, is intended to test the integrity of an IP Stack and its component stacks (TCP, UDP, ICMP et. al.) It does this by generating a controlled random packet