This hands-on, one-stop guide delivers the focused, streamlined direction you need to get your Web solutions up and running quickly. Zero in on key ASP.NET configuration details and techniques using quick-reference tables, lists, coding and more.
... 相反继续 play() 播放 replay(int dounum) 重复播放 dounum为重复次数 pause() 暂停 stop() 停止播放
... (client) development. This tool is not intended for serious managing stuff. But if you want to use it for serious system management, go ahead and use it. I won t stop you. But after that, don t complain to me about the bugs and lacking features ).
Private Static Sub Form_Resize() Dim bTimerWasOn As Boolean cmdShuffle.SetFocus Stop timer when game is minimized and start it when normalized If Me.WindowState = vbMinimized Then If Timer1.Enabled Then bTimerWasOn = True Else bTimerWasOn = False Timer1. ...
使用-debug参数运行时跟普通程序一样,省略;运行和停止这个服务可以在NT服务管理器中进行,也可以使用控制台命令net shart/stop,如果你愿意增加一些代码,也可以直接启动。停止这个服务还可以使用系统托盘中的Exit菜单