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资源说明:Anti-spam module for the CMS Icybee
# The "StopSpam" module (stop-spam)

Provides some protection again spam using the knowledge base of [StopForumSpam](
and previously recorded IPs.

The module extends the _Comments_ module config block with its configuration, and the _Forms_
module manage block with stats about spam caught for each form.

Author: Olivier Laviale [@olvlv](

## Installation

1. Upload the module directory to your application module directory.

2. Enable it in "Features / Modules".

## Event callbacks

### Before comments are saved

An event hook is attached to the `Icybee\Modules\Comments\SaveOperation::process:before` event to
check if the request was generated by a spambot before the _Save_ operation of the _Comments_
module (or one of its subclasses) is processed.

### Alters the _config_ block of the "Comments" module.

An event hook is attached to the `Icybee\Modules\Comments\ConfigBlock::alter_children` event to
add controls to the config block of the _Comments_ module in order to configure the module.

### Before forms are posted

An event hook is attached to the `Icybee\Modules\Forms\PostOperation::process:before` event to
checks if the request was generated by a spambot before the _Post_ operation of the _Forms_
module (or one of its subclasses) is processed.

### Icybee\Modules\Forms\ManageBlock::alter_columns

Adds a column to the manage block of the _Forms_ module (or one of its subclasses) to display
the number of spam caught by form.
