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资源说明:Remove stop words from the slug URL in your permalinks for search engine optimization.
=== Remove Stop Words ===
Contributors: n3k4
Donate link:
Tags: seo,google,slug,permalinks
Requires at least: 2.5
Tested up to: 3.8
Stable tag: 1.2

Remove stop words from the slug URL in your permalinks for search engine optimization.

== Description ==

It is a common SEO technique to remove 'stop words' from the slug URL that are considered low priority in the search algorithm. Also, it helps trim the maximum URL length by creating a summary of the post title rather than the full text. 

This plugin will remove the stop words from the URL from a defined list you can edit in the options.

A list of predefined stop words are included with the plugin and also available here.

== Installation ==

1. Upload `remove-stop-words` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory .
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
3. Add the stop words (comma separated) to the textarea in the options panel. There is a list of stop words included with this plugin.
3. The predefined stop words will be removed from the URL slug.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

== Screenshots ==

1. An example of the plugin being used after formatting to fit the existing style of the site.

== Changelog ==

= 1.2 =

* Add option to edit the list of stop words in the admin panel.

= 1.0 =

* Release.

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0 =
Current install.
