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  • funambol-j2me-common-6.0.12.zip ... functionalities are: a persistent data storage framework, a logging framework, a framework to read different streams of byte, a thread monitoring system and a set of classes useful for data encoding and string manipulation. This library may grow in ...
  • demo.zip accept thread chat it is a vhat rom program tht accept thread and mutiple therad
  • Thread.rar VB多线程图形演示,具体的看下就知道了,其实只不过是模拟一下,编译的时候请选择多线程模式
  • Thread.rar 实现进程调度演示,提供SJF,HRN,FCFS,3种调度方案的选择。
  • linux_process_and_thread.rar Linux process and thread programming
  • ptypes-1[1].7.5.tar.gz ... threads, synchronization objects, IP sockets and named pipes. PTypes also offers message queues as an alternative method of thread synchronization. Its main `target audience is developers of complex network daemons, robots or non-visual client/server ...
  • MvpProject.zip ... way to enable threading within the application and follow the rule of "no business work should be done in the UI thread". By applying threading correctly you should never have a situation where the UI is blocked while processing some business work. [ref ...
  • Thread.rar 详细的介绍了Visual C++下多线程的编程思想。 对于初学者非常实用。
  • c++threaduartsocketclass.rar 把C语言的thread和socket封装了一层.希望能给初学者带来帮助.
  • Thread.rar 一些相关多线程应用的自创程序 里面有自创的实例比较 相信通过此例大家可以对多线程有个详细的了解