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  • CCOMThread_src.zip CCOM thread development
  • javaServerThread.rar a simple example for a java server-client multi-thread learning. gui based!
  • SocketServer.zip Full Multi-thread Client or Server Socket Class with ThreadPool
  • Thread.rar 验讨论临界区问题及其解决方案,利用Windows的mutex机制,采用软件方案 然后比较这两种方案的性能优劣。
  • uart_terminal.zip ... shows you how to communicate via Serial UART on your computer. GUI interface thread is independent from UART thread. so you can learn using multi-thread in windows platform. the program has some other facilities,too. builder is Borland 6. have fun.
  • TCPServer.zip Webserver for service TCP Port (Java) in Multi-Thread
  • BMThread.zip BCB 4 ~2009 Thread VCL
  • csharpfr_THREAD-BOULES-SAUTEUSES___Page.zip Here is a source that shows how a thread in a more or less visual. Clicking on "Insert a new ball", it creates a new ball and hence a new thread.
  • Firewoks.rar 本例制作烟花,运行效果如图后所示。执行本例实例后,用鼠标点击浏览器中的面板,将出现五彩缤纷的烟花效果。此课程设计的知识点有:鼠标事件的监听,Graphics类和Thread类的应用。
  • thread.tar.gz This program is written to explain pthread creation and destroy and its function. How to handle mutex and blocking etc..