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  • Tetris.rar Tetris game source code
  • reno.Tetris.rar Tetris 俄罗斯方块 基于JAVA Swing框架的益智游戏
  • Tetris.rar This is game tetris write by CSharp.It help for beginer learn C#
  • Tetris.zip Hello, here is my own version of the Tetris game. It is written in C/C++. For graphics OpenGL is used, for sound DirectX.
  • TETRIS.rar Primitive Tetris, written in Turbo Pascal
  • Tetris.rar 俄罗斯方块 俄罗斯方块(Tetris, 俄文:Тетрис)是一款风靡全球的电视游戏机和掌上游戏机游戏,它由俄罗斯人阿列克谢·帕基特诺夫发明,故得此名。俄罗斯方块的基本规则是移动、旋转和摆放游戏自动输出的各种方块,使之排列成完整的一行或多行并且消除得分。由于上手简单、老少皆宜,从而家喻户晓,风靡世界。
  • Tetris.zip Tetris MidletPascal J2ME Application and source code
  • Tetris.rar It s a tetris game. Unzip and everything is inside. All the codes, and all the class file.
  • Tetris.rar my 2nd year project tetris
  • Tetris.zip Tetris Demo on delphi - easy code. Figures makes in boolean constants.