... (), but found that the window still isn t centered properly? This article shows you how, and we also talk about the ways of keeping child windows centered, even if the user moves or resizes the main window, or shows or hides the toolbar(s) and status bar.
I made a lot of changed on this object,such as *
// 1.Encapsulates all code in one userobjet,since PB does not *
// support "Address of Function" , so we can not set new *
// WndProc, just makes the object more easy to use. *
// 2.Uses ...
本软件使用JAVA语言实现,通过对SCOKET技术的理解,在此基础上建立服务器与客户端相连接,从而实现局域网内两人互动进行五子棋游戏。整体采用BorderLayout来布局,分为toolBar, board 和statusBar三部分,分别位于NORTH、CENTER和SOUTH。其中board部分采用null的布局方式,toolbar部分采用FlowLayout的布局方式。通过对软件的编写,加深对以上技术的理解和掌握。
Simply by adding some code to your MFC frame windows, you can make your toolbar customize dialog works.