ubuntu h3c 802.1x Client .tar .gz
文件大小: 318k
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资源说明:ubuntu下 校园网 h3c认证 客户端: 1. 下载客户端h3c802.1xClient.tar.gz,解压到某一目录,例如/home/用户名/h3c802.1xClient(当然,这里 的lee-lion是我的用户名,下载地址:h3c802.1xclient.tar.gz) 2. cd到h3c802.1xClient文件夹里,指令:cd /home/用户名/h3c802.1xClient 回车, 3. 把pre.ps、renew.ps、linux1x加上权限,指令:sudo chmod a+x linux1x pre.ps renew.ps 回车 4. 执行pre.ps安装,指令:sudo ./pre.ps回车 (有时会出现找不到文件,尝试以下指令:sudo /home/用户 名/h3c802.1xClient/pre.ps) 5. 更改上网方式,因为现在大多是动态分配ip,所以,建议设置成dhcp,指令:sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces 回车 将内容换成: iface eth0 inet dhcp auto eth0 如果是静态ip的话,将里面含有eth0的内容,换成 : auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address ----------------(ip) netmask ----------------(子网掩码) gateway ----------------(网关) (当然这是我的ip) 6.设置lib连接, 指令:cd /usr/lib 回车; 指令: sudo ln -s libstdc++.so.6.0.10 libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 回车 (这一步貌似很重要,可以下载libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3包,右键安装即可,下载地址: libstdc+ +_2.96-111_i386.deb) 7.配置客户端,指令:sudo linux1x -c 回车 configure 802.1X network connection argumente Current configuration is: The way to initialize 802.1X authentication.......:multicast Send all packets by multicast.....................:Y Refresh IP address after connecting...............:Y Save message and package to log...................:Y Continue to configure your network connection arguments?(Y/N) y There are two ways to initialize 802.1X authentication: 1. Trap by broadcast. 2. Trap by multicast. Please choose the way to initialize the 802.1X authentication : 2 Send all packets by multicast? (Y/N): y Refresh your IP address after connecting? (Y/N): y ------------第五步如 果设的是静态的话,选填n Save message and package to log?(Y/N): n Configuration has finished, do you want to save it?(Y/N) y Save configuration sucessfully! -----------保 存成功 8.重新启动网络,指令:sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart 回车 9.执行认证,指令: sudo linux1x -d 回车 ---------- (这里加一个-d,是后台运行 ,如果不加,会在终端一直刷新出现pass authentication) 出现: [sudo] password for judson: Please enter your user name (less than 128 characters):******** ----- 账户名 Please enter your password (less than 64 characters): ********** -----密码 出现 : start 802.1X authentication device check server check pass authentication -----------认证通过 10.认证通过,可以上网了,关闭可以用以下指令:sudo linux1x -k 回车