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  • pathloss&gnoise.rar cp0801_pathloss为UWB信道损耗计算函数,利用a=(c/(d^gamma))计算出信道增益,然后对函数的输入信号幅度进行变换得到输出结果。 cp0801_Gnoise1和cp0801_Gnoise2为产生AWGN的函数,分别为Eb/No和Ex/No条件下AWGN的产生
  • corrmask&PPMreceiver.rar cp0801_PPMcorrmask为PPM-TH-UWB信号的相关模板信号计算函数,cp0801_PPMreceiver为PPM-TH-UWB信号的接收机
  • UWB_PPM_source.rar 利用压缩包内的5和函数产生PPM调制的UWB信号,信号波形为高斯二阶导函数。重复编码次数,TH码长度范围,波形形成参数alpha等参数均可以改变
  • UWB_channel_sim.rar IEEEuwb仿真UWB信道冲击相应;rmsds仿真UWB信道的均方根时延扩展;PDP仿真UWB信道的功率延迟剖面 rakeselector仿真RAKE接收机的路径选择 PPMcorrmask_P仿真RAKE接收机的相关模板信号
  • DPSK_UWB_system_analysis.rar This m file models a DPSK UWB system using a delay in one leg of the mixer, correlation receiver low pass filter combination requiring no template for synching. Various waveforms are displayed throughout the system to allow the user to observe operation ...
  • UWB_Analysis.rar UWB analysis with basic correlation receiver.
  • UWB_Fifth_Order_Derivative.rar Models UWB TX and RX using BPSK fifth derivative. MATLAB Release: R13 Description: This m file models a UWB system using BPSK with the fifth order derivative of the gaussian pulse with correlation receiver and intgrator.
  • UWB_Link_Analysis.rar This m file plots the time and frequency domain of UWB PPM(pulse position modulated) waveforms(monocycles and doublets) with different pulse recurring frequency (PRF)and information rates.
  • UWB_Monocycle.rar ... pulse waveforms. The first derivative is considered to be the monocycle or monopulse as discussed in most papers. The second derivative is the waveform generated from a dipole antenna used in a UWB system. Other information is contained in the file.
  • UWB_Channel_model_IEEE_802_15_3a.rar The IEEE Multipath Channel block simulates an indoor UWB channel as described in "A Channel Model for Ultrawideband Indoor Communications" by J.R. Foerster, M. Pendergrass and A.F. Molisch, November 2003, and attempts to incorporate the processes used in ...