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  • 1656lott.rar 最新的uwb文献,来自于ieee communication magzine
  • 3775kim.rar 最新的uwb文献,来自于ieee communication magzine
  • mireles.rar uwb最新的文献,来自于ieee communication magzine
  • R14.rar UWB modulation schme for varous modulation and bit rates
  • Cassioli_channel.rar This matlab code generates UWB indoor channel impulse response described in : Cassioli, D. Win, M.Z. Molisch, A.F., "The ultra-wide bandwidth indoor channel: from statistical model to simulations," Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on , ...
  • UWB_Image_Tx_Matlab_Code.rar This source code simulates UWB based wireless Communication system which transmits color image over wireless medium. Modulation type: Pulse position modulation Pulse: second derivative of a Gaussian pulse Channel: AWGN ...
  • TRUWB.zip this file is mfile code for uwb simulation. TR modulation schemes have been proposed because of the ease of channel estimation in dense multipath channel.
  • UWB.rar Ultra-wideband Communication Systems Multiband OFDM Approach
  • MBOFDMUWB.rar MB-OFDM-UWB基带介绍,作为该系统物理层基带模型的学习资料,十分简明。
  • UWB-LFM-signal.zip 基于欠采样的超宽带线性调频信号参数估计,硕士论文