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  • A-Simplified-VHDL-UART.rar ... will need to interface to the processor. In this lab we will design a simplified UART (Universal Asynchronous Reciever Transmitter) in VHDL and download it to the FPGA on the XS40 baord. Serial communication is often used either to control or to receive ...
  • vhdl-golden-reference-guide.rar 一本介绍vhdl的经典黄金指导书,附有详细的实验代码
  • vhdl-program-for-seven-segment-display.rar seven segment code using vhdl
  • comparator-using-vhdl.rar vhdl code for comparator
  • Xilinx-ISE-Simulator-(ISim)-VHDL-Test-Bench-Tutor Xilinx ISE Simulator (ISim) VHDL Test Bench Tutorial
  • VHDL.rar 3-8译码器 与程序 164译码器 时钟编程的VHDL程序
  • VHDL-.rar VHDL的学习方案 过程 学习指导 实验方案
  • VHDL-routines.rar 滤波器设计 模数转换 多数表决器 任意整数模的VHDL例程
  • VHDL-digital-clock-.zip VHDL编写的数字钟,采用元件例化的方法,可实现调秒 调分 调时 报时 闹铃的功能 开发板使用的是EP3C16Q240C8
  • RC6-block-cipher-using-VHDL.rar VHDL implementation of RC6 encryption algorithm Test file represent applying all zero input and all zero key note that result is correct but bytes positions are swapped