VMsim is an operating system virtual memory system simulator. It simulates a multi level paging scheme, each level with its own queuing algorithm.
Study of a system of decision support:
Applying the definition of dynamic
assistance functions of an electric wheelchair by
the use of virtual reality
... store s catalog and ordering process. Typically, a shopping cart is the interface between a company s Web site and its virtual infrastructure, allowing consumers to select goods and review what they have selected.
A shopping cart is based on e-commerce. ...
虚拟传感器技术在车流量检测系统中的应用Virtual sensor technology in the application of vehicle flow detection system
增强现实系统中基于先验知识的虚拟抓取识别Augmented reality system based on a priori knowledge of the virtual grasping recognition
An Virtual Instrument which displays a string "Address". Syrian princoncatenarea obtain a string "Street" with a numeric indicator cueticheta "Number" and a list of strings "home" tie intreele being done by spaces. List of "home" will contain the ...
A virtual instrument to display a string with the name of each student, formed by linking three other strings "Name" "Initial" "Name". The length must display and nouluisir characters. The first string "name" will be introduced in lower case, following ...
Virtual tool that converts a temperature in degrees Celsius in degrees Fahrenheit (F = C * 9/5 + 32).