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  • PHP--Website.rar 用PHP做的一个学校网站,实现发表新闻和文章,并且能更新!
  • adornment.zip Website design with c# coding,in winzip file
  • jobs.zip this is code for jobs website that allows the job seekers to post resume and search for jobs.
  • lyrics.rar website tht allows users to share lyrics of songs.
  • Frames.rar A simple example for creating frames in HTML. Frame name is a logic here to show a website on the frames which we want.
  • website.rar 一个在线拍卖网站的源代码 主要功能以PHP语言实现 包括MySQL Script和 Java Script实现特定功能 使用户可以在线注册/登陆网站并拍卖/竞拍物品
  • jcrm.rar This is a servlets and jsp website that manages files from a sql or java database,show tables or edites them.it requieres Tomcat or glassfish server.More instructions on how it works or instalation u can find inside archive.
  • resize.zip Resizing the image so that the images uploaded to the website are of same size
  • QuickFrameWork.rar 可适应一般办公和管理系统的使用,Source link has yet to be found. Please, try to download it from local website.