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  • LEACH.rar This is the Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy routing protocol [LEACH] source code for wireless sensor network we have used.It is developed with MatLab7
  • channel_estimation.rar An Adaptive Channel Estimation Scheme for MIMO OFDM System
  • ProbShrink.zip This package contains Matlab and C-code for denoisinig greyscale images using spatially adaptive ProbShrink implemented with a NON-DECIMATED wavelet transform and under the generalized Laplacian marginal prior.
  • mopsoGECCO.zip Adaptive Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimizer
  • vhdl_lab_projects..rar Adaptive filtering matlab programs
  • tkn_report02.rar Adaptive Frequency Hopping
  • Baseball_Playfield_Segmentation_Using_Adaptive_Ga a document about "Baseball Playfield Segmentation Using Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Models"
  • 26273-700-ANSI-C_source_code.zip Extended Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB+) codec ANSI-C_source_code.zip
  • adaptive_interference_cancellation_with_LMS_algor this is a code for adaptive interfrence cancellation on a certain signal using the least mean square algorithm LMS using matlab.
  • adpmedian.zip adaptive median filter