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  • MATLAB.rar FIR and IIR RLS algorithms are implemeted by using reference information from Simon Haykin s Adaptive Filter Theory, where a transversal filter is used for modeling the adaptive filter
  • 26073-800_ANSI_C_source_code.zip 3GPP Adaptive Multi- Rate (AMR) 标准实现,针对8KHz采样音频文件按20ms一帧实现两者VAD模式的编码
  • dwtinimagefuse.rar Adaptive Image Fusion Using Wavelets Algorithms and System Design
  • lms.rar LMS filter program for Adaptive signal Filter
  • rls.rar RLS filter for Adaptive signal Processing
  • Adaptivefilterngalgorithm.rar Adaptive filtering algorithm using the MATLAB script node
  • adc4.rar with channel, take a input vector which is no of users of b[kx1] and then give to matched filter,non-correlating detector, and non-adaptive mmse,see the results by hadamard by randomised sequence.
  • code.zip EM algorithm for adaptive multivariate Gaussian mixtures
  • EM.rar EM algorithm for adaptive multivariate Gaussian mixtures
  • lect26-em.rar EM algorithm for adaptive multivariate Gaussian mixtures