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  • Source_Code_Algorithms_for_Image_Processing_and_Co <<Algorithms for image processing and computer vision>>/J.R. Parker.该书的源代码,非常丰富!
  • GLDemo-sponeil.net.zip ... Planetary Bodies. Part 1 will explain how to procedurally generate full-size planetary bodies at any level of detail. It will discuss the pros and cons of different types of procedural algorithms, then explain the method I chose to use in more detail.
  • cpuschedule.rar It covers FCFS,SJf,Priority,Round Robin scheduling algorithms.
  • geom2d.zip ... geometric primitives such as points, lines, circles and ellipses, polygons... The goal is to provide a low-level library for manipulating geometrical primitives, making easier the development of more complex geometric algorithms.
  • Prj_Ordination.rar Algorithms of Ordination with tests performance -BubbleSort -Merge -MergeSort -Selection -Insertion -QuickSort
  • FiveChess.zip test protocols algorithms
  • Dsa.zip Data structures and Algorithms
  • Mastering.Algorithms.with.C.rar Data comes in all shapes and sizes, but often it can be organized in the same way. For example, consider a list of things to do, a list of ingredients in a recipe, or a reading list for a class. Although each contains a different type of data, they all ...
  • SortingAlgorithms.zip Sorting Algorithms Selection Sort Insertion Sort Bubble Sort Merge Sort
  • book.rar Algorithm Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications using Matlab - E.S. Gopi This contains good number of algorithms that might be useful while designing any digital system using MATLAB