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  • WndToBmpFile.zip I have written this article to capture a Windows image into a bitmap file that will support all PaintBrush tools and Thumbnail Views of Windows Explorer. I have found many programmers suffering from this problem, including me, until I wrote this article. ...
  • Switcher_demo.zip Ever since Windows 95 first came out, I have noticed that just about every developer was scambling to get all the new common controls and UI features into their applications... but it seems like nobody has yet to make a taskbar-like control. So I set out ...
  • ATL Internals源码.rar The source code samples for chapter 2, 4, 6, and 8 are contained in the EvenChapters project. Those chapters all reference various aspects of this single project. The source code for the BullsEye control (chapter 10 example) is in the BullEyeCtl project. ...
  • EC.zip $Author$ $Modtime$ $Revision$ Description: Implementation of class "CECDlg" (dialog box, which displays all countries of the European community) $Log$
  • SQL-Tables.zip (转载)Use this utility to write your database table structure to a word file. You can select tables, or write all tables. In the word file you will be able to see complete details of the table(FieldName,Datatype,size,AllowNulls) with databse name and server ...
  • webdict-0[1].2.0.tar.gz It provides a base of DICT web service ( similar to DICT rfc2229) and create relative applications (server side,client side), they are all SOAP based.
  • wdictcli[1].linux-0.2.0.tar.gz It provides a base of DICT web service ( similar to DICT rfc2229) and create relative applications (server side,client side), they are all SOAP based.
  • openvpn-2.0_beta7.tar.gz OpenVPN is a robust and highly flexible tunneling application that uses all of the encryption, authentication, and certification features of the OpenSSL library to securely tunnel IP networks over a single TCP/UDP port.
  • FU_Rootkit.zip hide processes, elevate process privileges, fake out the Windows Event Viewer so that forensics is impossible, and even hide device drivers (NEW!) All this without any hooking.
  • klister-0.4.zip read the internal kernel data structures, in order to get reliable information about the system state (like list of all processes, including those "hidden" by rootkits, even by fu )