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  • TSP(TravelingSalesmanProblem).rar ... on linear and nonlinear programming. TSP can be described as follows: Given a number of cities to visit and their distances from all other cities know, an optimal travel route has to be found so that each city is visited one and only once with the ...
  • power2.rar 2. Using QR factorization to find all of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the following matrix
  • 15.For.Dummies.Java.All-In-One.Desk.Reference.For. 电子书,《傻瓜系列:Java完全桌面参考手册》。
  • an184sw.zip his header file that is used to define all preprossor directives, global variables, and prototypes. The user must modify this header file for their particular Bridge Transducer in use before proceeding.
  • secude-4.1.all.tar.gz SecuDe是一个由安全应用程序接口组成,对验证机制、证件处理、PEM、X.400报文处理和密钥管理提供支持。SecuDe提供DES、 RSA杂凑函数、密钥生成以及数字签名的生成和核实等多种密码机制。签名算法由杂凑函数和RSA函数复合而成。用于核实签名的公开钥由系统的认证机构确认。报文加密采用DES算法,其密钥则由RSA算法加密。各用户用于加/解密的RSA密钥对与用于签名和核实的RSA密钥对是不一样的。密钥的生成和分发由特定模块完成。
  • adtdemo.rar ADT600-1的基地址0x300,中断为7, 3个定时器采用级连,CLK0的时钟源是模块上的8M震荡器,中断源为71054定时器的输出OUT2。采集电压范围为+/-5V,请按《ADT200/ADT600技术手册 版本B》上的说明对SW1,W5,W6,W9跳线。若你想修改中断号和基地址,请修改config.h相应的常量ADT_IRQ, ADT_BASE定义,然后重新编译安装,即运行make all 注意:不要在其他文件中修改。
  • adt600.rar ADT600-1的基地址0x300,中断为7, 3个定时器采用级连,CLK0的时钟源是模块上的8M震荡器,中断源为71054定时器的输出OUT2。采集电压范围为+/-5V,请按《ADT200/ADT600技术手册 版本B》上的说明对SW1,W5,W6,W9跳线。若你想修改中断号和基地址,请修改config.h相应的常量ADT_IRQ, ADT_BASE定义,然后重新编译安装,即运行make all 注意:不要在其他文件中修改。
  • adtdemo.rar ADT600-1的基地址0x300,中断为7, 3个定时器采用级连,CLK0的时钟源是模块上的8M震荡器,中断源为71054定时器的输出OUT2。采集电压范围为+/-5V,请按《ADT200/ADT600技术手册 版本B》上的说明对SW1,W5,W6,W9跳线。若你想修改中断号和基地址,请修改config.h相应的常量ADT_IRQ, ADT_BASE定义,然后重新编译安装,即运行make all 注意:不要在其他文件中修改。
  • Worksheet_ALI_Windows.rar ... by AquaLogic Interaction 6.1, running on Windows. Print this document and use it to gather the host computer, portal, database, and additional information that you need to install and configure all of the various AquaLogic Interaction components.
  • NPL-all.rar A Numerical Photonics library written in C++. The library includes beam propagation method, coupled mode method, Bragg Gating Analysis, transfer matrix method, and vectorial Fourier Decomposition method. Very useful in simulating integrated Photonic ...