Back in 2002, the 6502 disappeared out of all catalogues.
Wanted to know, if it s possible to build a binary compatible CPU with the things I had in the drawer:
74LS parts, 27C512 EPROMs and a fast static RAM from an old 80386 motherboard.
Now ...
使用本程序在局域网内聊天,需知道对方的IP地址或主机名 ,可在cmd下运行config/all命令查看。使用时双方启动程序后输入对方IP后便可以聊天,回车发送。在2.0下IP和主机名全填后将以IP为准
Although most of the health problems related to fast food aren t felt until middle age -- obesity and diabetes are at an all-time high --- the damage starts before children enter kindergarten.
Games programming all in one code chapter 21(final chapter)
// This program demonstrates how to configure the C8051F060 to write to and read
// from the UART interface. The program reads a word using the UART0 interrupts
// and outputs that word to the screen, with all characters in uppercase