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  • convolution3dyv12_25_dll_20030329.zip Convolution3D is an AviSynth filter applying a 3D convolution filter to a video stream. it works as an anti-noise filter and increases the compressibility of a video stream.
  • anti-lupo.rar 利用c++实现逆滤波处理源代码即滤波后还原
  • HookSrc.zip ... programmers spend time developing and describing various methods that allow that access. Such methods are used in many anti-virus and anti-spyware applications. Besides, sometimes, intercepting can help you to find errors in your application. However, it ...
  • Anti-Rose-v1[1].1.rar 这是个rose专杀工具,是位高手做的,大家看看效果,对rose有很好的效果
  • James.rar James病毒 Complier: MASM32 Debuged: Under windows2000/XP 使用Mapping来感染,以前是在文件上操作; 使用了SEH。现在还没什么用,以后会利用SEH来ANTI-VM的;使用了简单的xor来加密代码,防止静态分析;加入反跟踪代码;
  • agg-2.4.zip The Anti-Grain Geometry Project A high quality rendering engine for C++ http://antigrain.com
  • 949327266.rar ... 模块是集DES、3DES、AES、RSA、MD5、BlowFish、TEA、RC6等标准算法为一体的算法包,同时在模块中使用了Anti-Debug和程序自校验功能(涉及到软件的加壳和CRC32)、软件使用次数限制,更好的保护您的软件。在 ... 更新DLL可能被破解者替换的漏洞,并对DLL进行了加壳,增加了CRC校验功能,For Delphi还增加了对DeDe的Anti代码,在代码中给出了在NT/2000/XP下关闭计算机的函数。 增加了MD2、MD3、SHA1、SHA256、SHA384、SHA512、 ...
  • Anti-AliasingAnalogFiltersforDataAcquisitionSystem 本书详细介绍了数据采集获取仪器设计中常用的滤波器的设计方法。
  • Secure_Programming_Cookbook_for_C_and_C++.rar ... code companion covers a wide range of topics, including safe initialization, access control, input validation, symmetric and public key cryptography, cryptographic hashes and MACs, authentication and key exchange, PKI, random numbers, and anti-tampering.
  • JiangMin.rar anti-virus , it can del the virus in your computer