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  • Use_GDI+_(1627568102003.rar ... in a major loss of performance the larger the curve gets. There are also some other things wrong, which you ll hopefully spot. - The Curve type/structure can also be expanded and renamed for use with basically any shape and could hold more specific data.
  • stereo.rar ... to create the appropriate eye positions for comfortable stereo viewing (see link in the title of the page) and the reader has an OpenGL card (or software implementation) and any associated hardware (eg: glasses) needed to support stereo graphic viewing.
  • FreeWRL-1.11.tar.gz ... to create the appropriate eye positions for comfortable stereo viewing (see link in the title of the page) and the reader has an OpenGL card (or software implementation) and any associated hardware (eg: glasses) needed to support stereo graphic viewing.
  • dynamic_odbc_class.zip CODBCDynamic - A class to dynamically read data from any ODBC data source动态从odbc数据源读数据的类
  • 35127.zip ... . I wrote this during my study of Applied Computer Science so it s intended mainly for students who want to know about some advanced programming techniques in C. The Code was compiled with MSVC++ 6.0 but it should compile with any ANSI-compliant compiler.
  • any-doc.rar   AnyQ是点石公司面向企业用户推出的一款商务协作软件,目的是商务协作、统一通讯,简称AnyQ。    Giga Information Group分析家Rob Enderle说:"对企业来说,即时通讯正演变成一种重要的技术,有助于集思广益并改善生产力。这将赋予企业绝佳的机会,在应用该技术的同时,将大大强化公司的竞争力"。    点石公司经过长期的市场调研、分析及技术积累,适时推出AnyQ这一产品。-
  • miniport.rar This a sample NDIS driver supporting the National Semiconductor Fast Infrared Controllers. It implements the OID_IRDA_* calls required of any NDIS IrDA miniport.
  • JavaButtonMakerSetup.zip 如何做JAVA的BUTTON Magic Button creates Java applet buttons for the Web without requiring any Java or HTML programming. The program can create several buttons on one applet (even one on top of another), which can also include images and text labels for all ...
  • VisualFxMdi_demo.zip ... splitter vs. nested splitter). Simple view layout does not need any additional code (MFC handles the creation). Splitter layout needs ... not support tab windows that can be found in almost any commercial application and is great for better UI orgranization. ...
  • VisualFxSdi_demo.zip ... splitter vs. nested splitter). Simple view layout does not need any additional code (MFC handles the creation). Splitter layout needs ... not support tab windows that can be found in almost any commercial application and is great for better UI orgranization. ...