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  • WindowsServices.zip ... the logged-on user or the default computer account. Windows services don抰 have any interface to the user, so it can not be debugged like any regular application, but it抯 debugged as a process. .NET has a very nice tool that enables ...
  • TSOnly.zip DirectShow Based TS Source FIlter which will Connected to any TSDemux Filter having Subtype equal to MEDIASUBTYP_MPEG2_TRANSPORT ......
  • c_coding_standard.zip this document consist of all the coding standards that is usefull prior to start any C project
  • AutumnLeaves.zip Codelock example, you can use to test on your site. I am uploading this in hope it can be of any use on any reverse engineering projects.
  • Python.Programing.For.Absolute.Beginner.rar The major goal of any programming language is to bridge the gap between the programmer s brain and the computer. ... , with its clear and simple rules, is even closer to English than any of these. Creating Python programming is so straightforward that it s ...
  • Javakaiyuanshouj.rar ... it is not allowed. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized party saying it ...
  • clock_divider.zip This code contains the simple program that can be used for the clock divider to set any desireable clock from the master clock.
  • ACPI_Component_Architecture.zip ... The purpose of the ACPI component architecture is to simplify ACPI implementations for operating system vendors (OSVs) by providing major portions of an ACPI implementation in OS-independent ACPI modules that can be integrated into any operating system.
  • SecurityMetrics.zip Security metrics in order to define the level of security of any system
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