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  • main.rar Program work with ADC of atmega8
  • ATMEGA8.rar 这个程序的对象是mega8单片机,主要完成2*4和4*4的键盘工作,分别有行扫描和列扫描。
  • current_mA_LCD_avr.zip milli amps meter using atmega8
  • magneticcounter.zip magentic approximate counter using atmega8
  • sinewave.zip sine wave genration using atmega8
  • AS5030.zip as3050 interfacing with atmega8
  • bac1.rar Something important about ATmega8 and blinkig LEDs
  • Termostat.rar Thermostat It is based on ATmega8, Nokia 3310 LCD and IR receiver for commands (Sony TV commands).
  • MEGA8USBISP.rar ATMEGA8制作的ISP下载线,此下载线制作简单,支持51单片机和AVR单片机。
  • Craciun.rar So here is one development board with ATmega8 microcontroller uses for reed tension 220Vac and send data at PC