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  • MMCm8.zip ATMEGA8开发的MMC程式,可用AVR-GCC开发
  • avr+vs1001k方案.rar AVR MP3方案 The MP3player from Atmega8(AVR),VS1001K,SDcard
  • tailC.rar ATmega8 taillight circuitAn assembly language program that generates 5 different static patterns with switching from pattern-to-pattern controlled by the depression of one push-button switch (S2).
  • tailD.rar ATmega8 taillight circuitA more complex C program that implements different flashing patterns under the control of both the push buttons and potentiometer. Use your imagination to come up with some novel ideas here. Remember however that more marks are to ...
  • avrad.rar avr单片机atmega8,ad转换测试程序,本程序为试例程序,适用于初学者
  • avrdisplay.rar avr单片机atmega8系列led显示测试程序,本程序为示例程序,适用于初学者
  • avreeprom.rar avr单片机atmega8系列芯片内部e2prom使用测试程序,本程序为示例程序,适用于初学者
  • avrtimer.rar avr单片机atmega8系列定时器的使用测试程序,本程序为示例程序,适用于初学者
  • line_call.rar 此程序为一排队机呼叫器,主要功能是:用键盘控制液晶显示实现485通讯,具体协议可参考《排队机通讯协议050609.doc》.编译环境为ICC-AVR6.3,采用了ATmega8芯片,晶振速率为6.0000Mhz
  • AVR--SPI-proteus--ICC--ATmega8-16.zip AVR单片机SPI通信带proteus仿真ICC编译 包含ATmega8和ATmega16 的spi通讯程序可互换主从机,有PROTEUS仿真方便学习