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  • G-Attack.rar 远程控制,服务端以及客服端,完美版。拿去即可使用,
  • arp-attack-solution.rar arp攻击解决方案从影响网络连接通畅的方式来看,ARP欺骗分为二种,一种是对路由器ARP表的欺骗;另一种是对内网PC的网关欺骗。
  • WirelessAODV.zip Wireless Attacks Demo with Attack Removal
  • MVC1.rar mvc sport attack, it help you to attack dhcp
  • 2.zip simulation of wormhole attack
  • event_sync.rar This program is to calculate the synchronous activity between eeg signal during epileptic attack
  • blackhole.pdf.zip simulation of black hole attack in ns2
  • aes_mini_project.rar ... additional bit in the key effectively doubles the strength of the algorithm, when defined as the time necessary for an attacker to stage a brute force attack, i.e. an exhaustive search of all possible key combinations in order to find the right one.
  • B---Hacker-Attack.rar Book about the world of Hackers and Crackers, interesting information about it.
  • WepCrack0.9.2.tar.gz WEP破解源代码相关,可用于WLAN入侵检测的实验中作为参考数据研究wep attack and WLAN intrusion detection