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  • Designing.Components.with.the.C++.STL.rar This book is the most accurate and up-to-date source of information the STL currently available. ... It has an approach and appeal of its own: it explains techniques for building data structures and algorithms on top of the STL, and in this way ...
  • Treap.rar 我用Pascal写的平衡二叉树的Treep算法,既Tree+Heap的算法,效率相对AV算法不差不多,可以参考
  • DubaTool_AV_Killer2.zip AV终结者/8749”木马专杀工具软件介绍:清除AV终结者病毒;修复“映像劫持”;修复Autorun.inf;修复安全模式
  • Linux1.rar ... 一级目录。 3 复制 – cp : cp source target #将文件source 复制为 target; cp /root/source . #将/root 下的文件source 复制到当前目录; cp –av soure_dir target_dir #将整个目录复制,两目录完全一样; cp –fr source_dir target_dir #将整个目录复制,并且是以非链接方式复制,当source 目 录 ...
  • volcontrol.rar 近段时间闲来无事做了一款AV和HI-FI两用的前级, ...
  • AC.rar 多模式匹配算法——AC算法 参考文献:AC算法:Aho A V,Corasick M J.Efficient string matching:an aid to bibliographic search.Communications of ACM,1975,18(6):333~340
  • TW118Bcode.rar T118点7寸模拟屏程序,调试成功,AV输入,可以切换好几种模式
  • RMB-WAV.rar 读人民币语音WAV文件,用于财会行业的应用开发
  • PW062XS3.rar ... -LCD module, PW062XS3 The applications of the panel are car TV, portable DVD, GPS, multimedia applications and others AV system. 2. Features . Amorphous silicon TFT-LCD panel with Back-Light unit. . Pixel in stripe configuration . ...
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