Programming iOS 9
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资源说明:Chapter 1Views The Window Experimenting With Views Subview and Superview Visibility and Opacity Frame Bounds and Center Window Coordinates and Screen Coordinates Transform Trait Collections and Size Classes Layout Chapter 2Drawing Images and Image Views Graphics Contexts UIImage Drawing CGImage Drawing Snapshots CIFilter and CIImage Blur and Vibrancy Views Drawing a UIView Graphics Context Settings Paths and Shapes Clipping Gradients Colors and Patterns Graphics Context Transforms Shadows Erasing Points and Pixels Content Mode Chapter 3Layers View and Layer Layers and Sublayers Drawing in a Layer Transforms Shadows, Borders, and Masks Layer Efficiency Layers and Key–Value Coding Chapter 4Animation Drawing, Animation, and Threading Image View and Image Animation View Animation Implicit Layer Animation Core Animation Actions Emitter Layers CIFilter Transitions UIKit Dynamics Motion Effects Animation and Autolayout Chapter 5Touches Touch Events and Views Receiving Touches Restricting Touches Interpreting Touches Gesture Recognizers Touch Delivery Interface Chapter 6View Controllers View Controller Responsibilities View Controller Hierarchy View Controller Creation How a View Controller Gets Its View View Resizing Presented View Controller Tab Bar Controller Navigation Controller Custom Transition Page View Controller Container View Controllers Storyboards View Controller Lifetime Events View Controller Memory Management State Restoration Chapter 7Scroll Views Creating a Scroll View in Code Scroll View in a Nib Scrolling Zooming Scroll View Delegate Scroll View Touches Floating Scroll View Subviews Scroll View Performance Chapter 8Table Views and Collection Views Table View Cells Table View Data Table View Cell Selection Table View Scrolling and Layout Table View State Restoration Table View Searching Table View Editing Table View Menus Collection Views Chapter 9iPad Interface Popovers Split Views iPad Multitasking Chapter 10Text Fonts and Font Descriptors Attributed Strings Labels Text Fields Text Views Text Kit Chapter 11Web Views WKWebView Safari View Controller Developing Web View Content Chapter 12Controls and Other Views UIActivityIndicatorView UIProgressView UIPickerView UISearchBar UIControl Bars Tint Color Appearance Proxy Chapter 13Modal Dialogs Alerts and Action Sheets Local Notifications Activity Views Some Frameworks Chapter 14Audio System Sounds Audio Session Audio Player Remote Control of Your Sound Playing Sound in the Background AVAudioEngine MIDI Playback Speech Synthesis Further Topics in Sound Chapter 15Video AVPlayerViewController Introducing AV Foundation UIVideoEditorController Chapter 16Music Library Exploring the Music Library Music Player MPVolumeView Playing Songs With AV Foundation Media Picker Chapter 17Photo Library and Image Capture Photo Library Authorization Choosing From the Photo Library Photos Framework Using the Camera Chapter 18Contacts Contacts Authorization Fetching Contact Information Saving Contact Information Contact Sorting, Groups, and Containers Contacts Interface Chapter 19Calendar Calendar Database Calendar Interface Chapter 20Mail and Messages Mail Message Text Message Twitter Post Chapter 21Maps Displaying a Map Annotations Overlays Map Kit and Current Location Communicating With the Maps App Geocoding, Searching, and Directions Chapter 22Sensors Core Location Acceleration, Attitude, and Activity Final Topics Chapter 23Persistent Storage The Sandbox User Defaults Simple Sharing and Previewing of Files Document Architecture iCloud XML SQLite Core Data Image File Formats Chapter 24Basic Networking HTTP Requests On-Demand Resources In-App Purchases Chapter 25Threads Main Thread Why Threading Is Hard Blocking the Main Thread Manual Threading NSOperation Grand Central Dispatch Threads and App Backgrounding Chapter 26Undo Undo Manager Undo Interface Appendix Application Lifetime Events Application States App Delegate Events App Lifetime Scenarios Appendix Some Useful Utility Functions Delayed Performance Center of a CGRect Adjust a CGSize Dictionary of Views Constraint Issues Drawing Into an Image Context Finite Repetition of an Animation Remove Multiple Indexes From Array Configure a Value Class At the Point of Use Cancelable Closure-Based Timer Generic Wrapper