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资源说明:new: + sdk/samples/material/!test.htm sample – sketch of Material Design theme. [+plus] + sdk/samples/+plus/demos/Q-routing-with-data.htm demo – routing with bound elements. – get/set single CSS variable. + sdk/samples/forms/required.htm sample. [css] + transition support for background-image and foreground-image properties. Demo is in sdk/samples/material + sdk/include/behaviors/behavior_native_textarea.cpp and sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/test-child-window.htm – child HWND demo. packfolder.exe folderpath filepath -binary – produces binary file – packed folder. fixes: [inspector] Fix of "Error: dimensions are less or equal to zero at @2@10.postSnapshot (sciter:debug-peer.tis(253))" [css] box-shadow caching fix. , popup scroll to current selected item. Element.clone(), clones ID attribute too. [d2d] css filters to work on layered windows. [css] filter:grayscale(50%) – "partial grayscale" aka saturation support. [win] elements with attached windows, fix of visibility change. [win] behavior:file-thumbnail fix. [printing] fix of AV while loading printing templates into "normal" frames. [css] custom properties + variables. [+plus]